Science Communication Program Certificate Recipient, Maiko Uemura, Promoted to Junior Faculty at Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU)

Over the last decade, we have trained 1000+ biomedical postdocs in clear and effective communication for science communication and engaging in strategic rhetoric in order to Tell Your Research Story. This training is available in various models, such as 2 and 4-hour workshops, hybrid models, and a 5-week certificate program.

Maiko Uemura, MD/PhD, took our certificate program in 2022 at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, when she was a researcher at the Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research. Maiko has been dedicated to honing her communication skills to best represent her research, her lab, and her field. This focus on effective communication will allow wider audiences to understand the value and importance of her research, ultimately benefiting herself and that institutions she represents.

We work intensively with Maiko as she prepared for important presentations, talks, and as she began to make a career move back to her home country of Japan. We were recently notified that Maiko has been named Faculty at Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU) in Japan.

Past trainees and certificate program graduates periodically update us on their career paths, and we are honored that they view us as an important part of their journey there. Clear and effective communication is a learned skill, and it’s important that all researchers and scholars are offered comprehensive trainings that allow them to continue to craft it.

For more information on our work, please email or fill out the contact form on our website.

Making Your Message Clear: The Role of Clear Pronunciation in Science Communication

We recently traveled to the Belfer Institute for Advanced Biomedical Studies at Albert Einstein College of Medicine to facilitate a professional development workshop for their International postdocs interested in building language fluency and exploring strategies for clear pronunciation. It was an afternoon of sharing, collaboration, and skill building, helping to support effective science communication. It’s important that postdocs and scholars feel confident and independent when talking about their research. For some, that means a need for pronunciation practice and approaches to independent practice for clear pronunciation. This builds a sense of agency and empowerment that lives well beyond the workshop! It sets learners/trainees on a course of independent goal setting around communication and leaves them with strategies to begin to work towards those goals independently!

Check out some pictures from the day and a testimonial from Toni Burrell, Program Manager at the Belfer Institute.

Interested in learning more about our work? Email

Mallory Fix-Lopez discussing the role of ‘thought groups’ as a feature of clear pronunciation.

All workshops are interactive and hands on. Learners work on application of strategies and concepts in each workshop, helping to set the stage for continued, independent practice well beyond the workshop.

Plan, Practice, Repeat.

language connectED recently had the opportunity to travel to UNC Charlotte to provide a training workshop on effective story telling techniques for a collective of postdocs from five different universities. This was a day filled with networking and on-the-spot practice to help support biomedical researchers hone their message and craft their research stories to make them memorable and engaging for a wide range of audiences.

One thing we stress is all of our workshops is that communication takes focus and practice. Just like postdocs set research goals, we encourage them to also engage seriously in setting goals for effective communication, which is Core Competency #3 of the National Postdoctoral Association. Effective communication to broad audiences is essential for scientific and research communication and a must for professional success. We engage postdocs on understanding the key features of an IDP (Individual Development Plan) and use it to not only set research goals, but also specific and measurable goals around communication.

It’s essential to plan for effective communication- what do you want to say? who is the audience? what do you want the audience to remember? how are you going to frame your story? what analogy or other techniques will you use to make your complex research accessible to broad audiences?

Then you must practice…and repeat. Building fluency takes repetition.

Participants and University of North Carolina Charlotte crafting their Storytelling Frameworks- a must in preparing to communicate research effectively!

Participants practicing their research stories with a variety of listeners, working to ‘test their linguistic hypothesis’ to how their message is received by various listeners.

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Alumnus Spotlight: Dr. Eleonora Stronati Awarded First Place for her Poster Presentation on Schizophrenia and Cellular Dysfunction

Hearing from past trainees about their science communication success is one of the most rewarding aspects of our work at language connectED. Naturally, we were both excited and gratified to hear that Eleonora Stronati, PhD, a participant in our Fall 2022 Strategically Speaking course offered in partnership with the Biomedical Postdoctoral Programs at Penn, was awarded first place for her poster presentation entitled “Schizophrenia in the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome is associated with lysosomal and mitophagy dysfunction in IPS-derived neurons​” at CHOP’s Research Poster Day and Science Symposium held May 2-3, 2023. 

We asked Eleonora, a postdoctoral fellow at the Anderson Lab in the Department of Child Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at CHOP, what contributed to her success in the symposium. She told us she drew in part on lessons from Strategically Speaking. "During the course, I appreciated the explanation of how to express complex ideas in a simple way, specifically targeting the audience. This helped me clearly communicate the hypothesis of my research." She further explained how scientists visiting her poster might be interested in the main topic but might not be familiar with the specific pathology or mechanisms she was describing. We often see audience awareness develop among participants in our Strategically Speaking course as they attempt to describe visual aids or research methods that are easily accessible to colleagues in their own line of research but unclear or unfamiliar to researchers working in other areas. The realization that shared knowledge cannot be assumed even when talking to other biomedical postdocs is eye-opening and immediately actionable.

Congratulations, Eleonora!

Join us at the Graduate Career Consortium (GCC) in Indianapolis!

Are you attending the Graduate Career Consortium’s Annual Meeting happening NOW (June 27th-30th) in Indianapolis? Stop by our table to say hi to Mallory and learn more about our work! She looks forward to chatting with you and learning how we can best support your postdocs, grad students, and scholars in the area of clear and effective communication! We also provide program management support - ask us how!

We're Back!

If you take a look at our blog, you’ll notice our last post was in 2019. While our work didn’t stop during the pandemic, our blog did. At the onset of the Covid pandemic, we quickly pivoted to virtual training and redesigning materials to respond to the need. We were focused on managing the trainings we were facilitating at the time and also helping our young children and families navigate the pandemic, so please forgive us for not keeping up with the blog.

BUT…we’re back in full swing, and we are proud of the current work we are doing. We have many exciting projects in the works, and we also just returned from training early career faculty members for PEW! We will update you on this work over the next few weeks as well as experiment with new ways to use our blog to share resources and materials.

If there is one thing we learned during the Covid pandemic, it’s that communication is everything!

Check out this article on Science Communication in the Covid 10 Pandemic and see you soon!

Telling Your Research Story: Increasing Impact of Communications for International Academics in Madison, Wisconsin

Communication Skills for International Academics

Researchers and faculty members who want to improve their communication skills are one of my favorite groups to work with.  One of the trainings we offer at language connectED is our four-hour workshop on “Telling Your Research Story,” which helps participants communicate professionally to network well, represent their institutions appropriately, talk about their research in language that people outside of their field can comprehend, and improve their presentations.  Participants walk away with, for example, an elevator pitch, analogies for explaining complicated concepts in their work, language strategies for small talking and networking, and a hook to use for presentations or anytime they want to engage listeners when talking about their research.  Academics we work with report that they greatly benefit from taking time to focus on how they communicate.  And I am fascinated to learn about their research. 

Takeaways from Madison, Wisconsin 

So when the University of Wisconsin at Madison invited language connectED to conduct a workshop on “Telling Your Research Story” in May, I was excited about working with a new group of academics and seeing Madison.  Neither disappointed.  Eve Litt and I greatly enjoyed working with two terrific audiences of international graduate students and postdocs and exploring the beautiful campus on Lake Mendota, downtown Madison and trying some new food!  And even though we were only there for two days, we packed in a lot of activity with both great discussions about communicating research and some sightseeing.   Here are my top takeaways from our trip. 

Telling Your Research Story   

Whenever we bring together smart researchers focused on improving their communication skills, we always have great discussions.  And this group was super-engaged.   

How to have a Hook without being Funny 

Hooks are important for grabbing the attention of your audience from the very beginning of a presentation.  For non-native-speaking presenters, hooks have the added benefit of allowing listeners to get used to their pronunciation before the main content begins.  Many workshop participants felt pressure to start their presentations with a joke but worried that humor, tied to culture and language, might fall flat with the audience.  Eve and I outlined different ways to craft an effective hook such as telling a personal story or giving a surprising fact or statistic, that don’t rely on being funny.  Workshop participants then spent time creating their own hooks that will engage audiences every time they present. 

 Practicing Elevator Pitches with People Outside your Department 

In our interactions with academics, we often meet people who only discuss their research inside their department or lab.  We understand.  You’re busy.  But if you only speak with others as specialized as you, you might not know when you’re using jargon or explaining a complex concept in an unclear way.  I’ve noticed that when a group of academics from different departments come together, they are often surprised when their peers--other scientists and researchers--don’t understand them.  They assume that their terms are general when in fact they can be very specific. 

To help with this challenge, we design activities around talking about research with peers outside of their specialties.  In our Madison workshops, I often heard participants asking for clarification from each other around key terms while listening to elevator pitches.  We practiced multiple times so that participants can gain more confidence and fluency but also, so they can learn to pitch to multiple audiences.   As a bonus, what started as a practice networking exercise, turned into real networking as participants connected with each other and learned more about what they’re doing.   

Above: Graduate school researchers practice their elevator pitches.

Above: Graduate school researchers practice their elevator pitches.

What we Enjoyed in Madison 

Have I mentioned what a beautiful city Madison is?  Here’s what we recommend if you are fortunate enough to visit: 

1.  Capitol Tour – Madison is the capital of Wisconsin, meaning that it’s home to the state capitol building. To quote Eve, “I love a good capitol tour,” and Madison’s capitol did not disappoint.  The building is close-by, gorgeous and the tour guide taught us all kinds of great stuff like why the Badger is the state animal and University of Wisconsin’s mascot (Go Badgers!). 

Hilary and Eve hang out with the University of Wisconsin mascot on the Memorial Union Terrace.

Hilary and Eve hang out with the University of Wisconsin mascot on the Memorial Union Terrace.

2.  The Memorial Union and Terrace:  Our hosts were smart to reserve space in the Memorial Union for our workshops.  It’s an amazing building with great spaces to eat, relax and a super-friendly information desk where Madison experts can help you with advice about anything on campus or in Madison.  My favorite place is the terrace with plenty of space to sit in bright, funky chairs, enjoy a drink or meal and look out over Lake Mendota

3.  The Old Fashioned:  The super helpful folks at the Memorial Union recommended we dine at The Old Fashioned and, wow, are we glad we did!  The restaurant is beautifully done and specializes in local Wisconsin ingredients and dishes. In addition to fried cheese curds with different dipping sauces (which are way tastier than I thought they’d be) they have wonderful salads, sandwiches and more.  I had bratwurst and this amazing salad with the best dried cherries I’ve ever eaten.   

4.  Paul’s Pelmeni:  Head to this place for pelmeni, small Russian dumplings. It’s not fancy: counter-service and not many options. But where else can you get great comfort food at such a great price? Eve and I split a large combination of beef and potato dumplings with sour cream, curry powder, cilantro and sriracha for less than $8.  What can you say…we’re cheap dates! 

Thanks so much to our Wisconsin-Madison hosts and researchers for a great session and experience in your city. I’ll write soon about another observation that came out of our workshop – the role of patient advocacy in the world of medical research.  

Bridging Gaps: Examining Communication Needs and Programming for International Postdocs

For the past five years, language connectED has been running communication workshops for postdoctoral researchers at various universities around the world. In our work, we found that non-native English speakers (NNES) typically had different needs when communicating their science and research than that of native English speakers (NES). So, this year, we conducted our first national survey of international postdoctoral researchers to ask them about their English language needs and available programming at their institutions.

We strongly believe that the best advocates for these important scientists are the scientists themselves. Our work strives to provide them with the frameworks they need to tell their science story to broad audiences and communicate it with confidence. And so, we conducted this survey to see how NNES perceived their language skills and what kind of training workshops would be helpful for them. 

Our work was accepted as a poster presentation at the 2018 National Postdoctoral Association in Cleveland, OH and as a presentation on how to tell your science story. See what we've been up to by reading our data analysis report, taking a look at our poster, or checking out our slides on telling your science story

Skills for Community-Centered Librarianship- National Advisory Meeting


Free Library of Philadelphia coordinated the first meeting of national advisory council members for their IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant award. language connectED had the privilege of facilitating this curriculum development meeting with library researchers, directors, and leaders from the US and Canada. The group engaged in lively, engaging discussions around skills all library staff members need to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. The day resulted in a group consensus on directions this curriculum should take and a call to continue communication with one another for support, ideas, and future collaboration. We'd like to thank the Free Library of Philadelphia and their national partners for their knowledge and experience as we move forward with this exciting project.


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Working with the Free Library of Philadelphia

Read the following post from our team member, Tennyson Tippy, to learn about one of our new curriculum development projects.

As the needs of people and patrons evolve, libraries everywhere must adapt to shifting cultural expectations. Long gone are the days when a librarian could sit at a reference desk, fielding questions from patrons throughout the day. Libraries now must work to define their purpose within their communities and with their communities. To foster this change, in 2017, The Free Library of Philadelphia received a Laura Bush 21st Century Library grant to improve community engagement skills among library staff. They hired language connectED to develop the curriculum and facilitate the workshops over the next 2 years.

But to develop this program, language connectED needed to better understand the experiences and needs of library staff. So, I assisted as a researcher, interviewing library staff throughout the city,

I worked with Language ConnectED to develop a six question interview script. Our goal was to ask specific but open ended questions intended to draw insight and reflection from these library professionals regardless of their circumstances. Yet in a large, diverse city like Philadelphia, though library professionals may share a title and job description, their experiences can vary profoundly from branch to branch. For instance, the job duties of a children’s librarian working in a predominantly middle class neighborhood may differ dramatically from one working in a low income neighborhood with high crime rates.

In order to gain the most insight into the lived experiences of these professionals, I occasionally needed to go “off script” in order to get a response that would provide the insight and reflection needed to help guide the curriculum development.  This is referred to as conversational interviewing.

In conversational interviews, the interviewer reads question as worded and then uses whatever words necessary to convey the meaning of the question. This approach can sometimes take longer than standardized interviewing, where questions are worded exactly as asked with little input provided from the interviewer. However, for our purposes, we sought to engage our respondents to share as many details and insights as possible. We weren’t seeking to find specific data points or measurable outcomes so much as insights that would help us to create an inspiring and relevant training program.

The qualitative insights gained from these conversations will support the design and development of the professional training program to be launched in 2018.

National Postdoc Appreciation Week

The University of Pennsylvania invited us to deliver two workshops around science communication for their biomedical postdocs for National Postdoc Appreciation Week 2017 (Becky, our Chief Learning Officer is in the photo). It's always a pleasure to hear about the amazing work being done by these researchers. Our participants were able to practice telling their research stories those outside of their lab and the research world, in their efforts to inform others of the important work that they do. 

Becky NPAW 2017.jpg