If you take a look at our blog, you’ll notice our last post was in 2019. While our work didn’t stop during the pandemic, our blog did. At the onset of the Covid pandemic, we quickly pivoted to virtual training and redesigning materials to respond to the need. We were focused on managing the trainings we were facilitating at the time and also helping our young children and families navigate the pandemic, so please forgive us for not keeping up with the blog.
BUT…we’re back in full swing, and we are proud of the current work we are doing. We have many exciting projects in the works, and we also just returned from training early career faculty members for PEW! We will update you on this work over the next few weeks as well as experiment with new ways to use our blog to share resources and materials.
If there is one thing we learned during the Covid pandemic, it’s that communication is everything!
Check out this article on Science Communication in the Covid 10 Pandemic and see you soon!